Comments to Preliminary Draft Report (First Version)

Contribution by Victor M. Ponce, Panelist

July 8, 2005

Suggested changes (mostly editorial) follow, in order of appearance.

Page 2, paragraph 1:   Replace "currently-used" with "currently used"

Page 2, paragraph 1:   Replace "more transparent" with "more transparency"

Page 2, paragraph 1:   Replace "South-Florida conditions" with "South Florida conditions"

Page 2, paragraph 4:   Replace "RSM, and the District" with "RSM. The District"

Page 2, paragraph 4:   Replace "RSM development cycle." with "RSM development process."

Page 2, paragraph 4:   Replace "peer-review" with "peer review"

Page 3, paragraph 1:   Replace "component a regional scale hydrologic model" with "component of a regional-scale hydrologic model"

Page 3, paragraph 4:   Replace "currently-used WMM" with "currently used RSM"

Page 5, paragraph 1:   Replace "should stated" with "should be stated"

Page 5, paragraph 1:   Replace "sediment layer thickness" with "sediment-layer thickness"

Page 5, paragraph 4:   Replace "fully-developed turbulent flow" with "fully developed turbulent flow"

Page 6, Section 2.2, paragraph 1:   Replace "These watermovers use a diffusion-wave approach" with "These watermovers use a special type of diffusion-wave approach"

Page 6, Section 2.2, paragraph 1:   Replace "slowly-varying transients" with "slowly varying transients"

Page 6, Section 2.2, paragraph 1:   Replace "neglecting of the convective acceleration" with "neglecting the convective acceleration" or "neglect of the convective acceleration"

Page 6, Section 2.2, paragraph 1:   Replace "primarily suited for overland flow in mild slopes" with "suited for overland flow in steep to mild slopes"

Page 6, Section 2.2, paragraph 2:   delete "remains an open question in the scientific literature"

Page 6, Section 2.2, paragraph 4:   Replace "imposes limitations" with "imposes some limitations"

Page 6, Section 2.2, paragraph 4:   Replace "regional overland flows, and inclusion" with "regional overland flows. Inclusion"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 1:   Replace "integrated into in one global matrix " with "integrated into one global matrix"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 1:   Replace "excessively numerically intensive" with "too numerically intensive"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 1:   Replace "more-sophisticated" with "more sophisticated"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 1:   Replace "sounds excessive" with "appears excessive"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 1:   Replace "non-linear terms" with "nonlinear terms"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 1, last sentence:   This sentence is comparing two different things. One thing is to simplify the equations to achieve stability; another is to formulate an implicit scheme which requires one global matrix. Using the full equations will not help the implicit scheme, which will only become more unmanageable. Please rephrase.

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 2:   Replace "round off" for "round-off"

Page 7, Section 2.3, paragraph 3:   Delete "and/or increase the rate of convergence." Convergence is decreased when α is pushed to 1.

Page 8, Section 2.4, paragraph 1:   Replace "antecedent moisture conditions" with "antecedent moisture condition"

Page 8, Section 2.4, paragraph 1:   Replace "AMCs" with "AMC"

Page 9, Section 3, paragraph 3:   Replace "in reality, not capable" with "in reality, are not capable"

Page 9, Section 3, paragraph 4:   Replace "slowly-varying" with "slowly varying"

Page 9, Section 3, paragraph 4:   Replace "sparsely-vegetated" with "sparsely vegetated"

Page 9, Section 3, paragraph 6:   Replace "South-Florida" with "South Florida"

Page 10, top paragraph:   Replace "South-Florida" with "South Florida"

Page 10, Section 4, paragraph 4:   Replace "water-supply, and flood-control alternatives" with "water-supply and flood-control alternatives"

Page 10, Section 4, paragraph 4:   Replace "tidally-dominated" with "tidally dominated"

Page 12, paragraph 1:   Replace "highly-parameterized" with "highly parameterized" (two occurrences)

Page 12, paragraph 2:   Replace "sub-sections" with "subsections"

Page 12, paragraph 2:   Replace "zone by zone basis" with "zone-by-zone basis"

Page 12, paragraph 2:   Replace "pilot-point  based parameter estimation" with "pilot-point-based parameter estimation"

Page 12, paragraph 3:   Replace "Based current experience" with "Based on current experience"

Page 13, paragraph 1, bullet 2:   Replace "chapters" with "chapters." (add period)

Page 13, paragraph 1, bullet 4:   The second paragraph of this bullet (The governing equations...") does not appear to belong here. Better to place in Section 2.2.

Page 16, Section 6.3.5, paragraph 1:   Replace "is give as a basis" with "is given as a basis"

Page 17, Section 6.4, paragraph 1:   Replace "what are typical numerical errors are to be expected" with "what are typical numerical errors to be expected" (delete one "are")

Page 17, Section 6.4, paragraph 1:   Replace "Also there is no" with "Also, there is no"

Page 17, Section 6.4, paragraph 1:   Replace "Theory Manual" with "the Theory Manual"

Page 17, Section 6.4, paragraph 2:   Replace "Clearly-stated" with "Clearly stated"

Page 17, Section 6.4, paragraph 2:   Replace "variably-saturated flow" with "variably saturated flow"

Page 17, Section 6.4, paragraph 3:   Replace "Currently-available" with "Currently available"

Page 18, paragraph 1:   Replace "waterbody mass balance equation" with "waterbody mass-balance equation"

Page 18, paragraph 2:   Replace "South-Florida area" with "South Florida area"

Page 18, Section 7, paragraph 2:   Replace "Full-model validation" with "Full model validation" ("Full" refers to "model validation," not "validation" to "full model").

Page 19, paragraph 5:   Replace "has not been done" with "has not been accomplished"

Page 20, paragraph 2:   Replace "either be included as new HPMs of fitted to existing HPMs" with "either be included as new HPMs or fitted to existing HPMs"

Page 20, Section 9, paragraph 2:   Replace "does and does not do, so that the model can be used correctly" with "does and does not do, in order for the model to be used correctly"

Page 20, Section 9, paragraph 3:   Replace "potentially-complex" with "potentially complex"

Page 20, Section 9, paragraph 4:   Replace "serious attempt" with "concerted attempt"

Page 20, Section 9, paragraph 5:   Replace "well-documented, scientifically-sound" with "well documented, scientifically sound"

Page 21, Section 10, paragraph 1:   Replace "currently-used" with "currently used"

Page 21, Section 10, paragraph 1:   Replace "capable in incorporating a more complex set" with "capable of incorporating a complex set"

Page 21, Section 10, paragraph 2:   List the goals by number (1-8), for added clarity. List the key recommendations by number, rather than bullets.

Page 21, Section 10, paragraph 1, bullet 5:   Replace "diffusive-wave approximation" with "diffusion-wave approximation"

Page 22, Section 10, bullet 1:   Replace "fully-implicit scheme" with "fully implicit scheme"

Page 22, Section 10, bullet 5:   Replace "wind-forcing" with "wind forcing"

Page 22, Section 10, bullet 6:   Replace "storage volume relationship" with "storage-volume relationship"

Page 23, paragraph 1:   Replace "state-of-the-art and defensible" with "state-of-the-art, defensible"

Page 23, paragraph 2:   Replace "The District modelers have made" with "The District has made"

Page 23, paragraph 2:   Replace "RSM, and associated documentation" with "RSM and associated documentation"

Page 23, paragraph 2:   Replace "scientifically-defensible" with "scientifically defensible"

Page 23, paragraph 2:   Replace "water-management" with "water management"

Page 24, Appendix I, References:   No need to number the references. Using a consistent format, list references first in alphabetical order and, within author, in chronological order.

Page 24, Appendix I, Reference 5:   Replace "O,Brien" with "O'Brien, G. G."

Page 24, Appendix I, Reference 5:   Add page numbers 223-251 at the end.

Page 24, Appendix I, Reference 6:   Add page numbers 11-19 at the end.

Page 24, Appendix I, Reference 7:   Add page numbers 1099-1101 at the end.

Page 24, Appendix I, Reference 8:   Replace "Prentice Hall, New Jersey" with "Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey"

Page 24, Appendix I, Reference 9:   Add page numbers 353-360 at the end.