Grainsize Analysis of Soil Samples in Arroyo Alamar

Six exploratory boreholes were dug along the alignment of Arroyo Alamar with the purpose of ascertaining the type and quality of the alluvial materials (sands and gravels). Each borehole was dug to 3 m depth, and three samples were taken from each hole, at every meter. Samples are labeled A (1 m), B (2 m), and C (3 m). Six selected soil samples were analyzed for grain size, and the results are reported herein.

Location of Boreholes


Grainsize Analysis


Sample Classification Description
1A SW well graded sand
2A SP poorly graded sand with gravel
3C SW well graded sand
4A SP poorly graded sand with gravel
5C SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt
6C SW well graded sand


Grainsize Analysis (grayscale)


Sample Classification Description
1A SW well graded sand
1B SW well graded sand
1C SW well graded sand
2A SP poorly graded sand with gravel
2B SP poorly graded sand with gravel
2C SP poorly graded sand with gravel
3A SP poorly graded sand with gravel
3B SP poorly graded sand with gravel
3C SW well graded sand
4A SP poorly graded sand with gravel
4B SP poorly graded sand with gravel
4C SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt
5A SW well graded sand
5B SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt
5C SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt
6A SW well graded sand
6B SW well graded sand
6C SW well graded sand


Location of Boreholes

The grainsize analysis shows the predominance of poorly graded sands with gravel (SP), some well graded sands (SW), and a few sands with some silt content (SP-SM)



The grainsize analysis shows the predominance of poorly graded sands with gravel (SP), some well graded sands (SW), and a few sands with some silt content (SP-SM).