Dr. Victor Miguel Ponce

4841. CASCADE Documentation

  • CASCADE will calculate a flood hydrograph using the cascade of linear reservoirs (Ponce, V.M., 1989.  Engineering Hydrology, Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall).

  • The program will prompt you to enter catchment area A, time interval Dt, number of effective rainfall increments m, rainfall increments Pi, reservoir constant K, and number of reservoirs n.

  • CASCADE will accept SI units only.

  • Use catchment area in km2 and rainfall increments in cm.

  • The time interval Dt and the reservoir constant K should be in hours. The ratio Dt/K should not exceed 2, and typically should be less than 1.

  • The program reports time (hr) (abscissa) and corresponding flood discharge (m3/s) (ordinates).

Click  -here- to view a sample data set.


DISCLAIMER: The developer makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this program for any one particular purpose. It is understood that the user proceeds at his/her own risk.

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