online_inherently_stable:    Computation of the inherently UNSTABLE channel
[Beta version 1.0 - 160529]



This script annuls the advantage of the inherently STABLE channel, instead calculating the flow in a typical rectangular channel. It is provided here for comparison with the inherently stable channel.

To use the script, enter applicable hydraulic data on the left input column. The depth interval Δh is internally set to 0.0001 m. The actual number of computational depth intervals in the upper subsection varies with the relative depth hu'.

The length of tabular output is specified as input. The default number of output lines is 10. The tabular output shows typical hydraulic variables.

Additional details may be found in the accompanying article.

WARNING ⇒  The following input values will trigger a fatal error message:

  • Half bottom width: B* ≤ 0

  • Depth of lower subsection: ho ≤ 0

  • Side slope of lower subsection: z < 0

  • Relative depth: hu' ≤ 0

  • Channel slope: So < 0.01

  • Manning's: n < 0.008

  • No. of output lines : 0 ≤ NL ≤ 10,000   [ Leave blank to set default value of 10 ]

Thank you for running online_inherently_unstable   [160530 19:30]