online_pump_pipe_system:  Operating discharge and head in a pump-pipe system

Definition sketch of a pump-pipe system

Conservation of energy:

E1 + hp = E2 + [V2/(2g)] [Ke + ∑Kb + KE + f(L/D)]

hp = ΔE + [Q2/(2gA2)] [Ke + ∑Kb + KE + f(L/D)]

hp = ΔE + [Q2/(2g(πD2/4)2] [Ke + ∑Kb + KE + f(L/D)]

hp = ΔE + [16/(2gπ2D4)] [Ke + ∑Kb + KE + f(L/D)] Q2

a = ΔE

b = [16/(2gπ2D4)] [Ke + ∑Kb + KE + f(L/D)]

System head-discharge relation:

hp = a + b Q2

Type 1 head-discharge relation

Pump head-discharge relation:

H = c - d Q2

System operating discharge:

Qoper = [(c - a)/(b + d)]1/2

System operating head:

Hoper = c - d [(c - a)/(b + d)]

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