Dr. Victor Miguel Ponce

4823. PEARSON Sample Data Set

  • Using SI units?: yes
  • Number of years in flood series: 16
  • Flood series: 2520. 1850. 750. 1100. 1380. 1910. 3170. 1200. 820. 690. 1240. 1730. 1950. 2160. 3320. 1480.
  • Comments: Example 6-4, page 218, Ponce, V. M., 1989: Engineering Hydrology, Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall.

  • Results:
    Q1.01 = 690.603 m3/s
    Q1.11 = 829.410 m3/s
    Q1.25 = 1031.95 m3/s
    Q2 = 1551.02 m3/s
    Q5 = 2301.59 m3/s
    Q10 = 2813.95 m3/s
    Q25 = 3473.79 m3/s
    Q50 = 3971.79 m3/s
    Q100 = 4473.30 m3/s
    Q200 = 4984.15 m3/s


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