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Goal : I aim to find better ways to optimize energy while preserving agri-food systems, and engaging with communities to sustainable practices.

Paul is an Agronomist, Adjunct Research at Irrigation Research Center in Ecuador, and Doctoral fellow at Canadian AgriFood Policy Institute. His areas of expertise include Soil Health and Water Management for Agro-ecosystems. He is interested in the effect of agricultural management practices on soil functions, crop yields, carbon storage, and irrigation. In addition to working on the application of GIS, Remote survillance and Modelling crop systems.

Paul sees in field work and remote assessing as a set of tools to informe science based decision from farmer to policy development. He believes that understanding soil functions and optimizing soil and water resources will provide sustainable agro-ecosystems. Though his research, his collaboration and curiosity of natural phenomenons, Paul wishes to contribute to resilience and sustainable agro-ecosystems through a systematic, collaborative and transdisciplinary approaches.

He is skills are related to project management, geomatic, remote sensing, Lidar technology, strategist planning, research methods, bio-statistics, community engagement, and proposal writing .

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Ph.D. Forest Science - Lakehead University

Research Project: "Assessment and Evaluation of Soil Health indicators since the conversion from Boreal forest to agriculture in Thunder Bay, Ontario-Canada."

Supervisor: Dr. Brian McLaren-Lakehead University. Co-Supervisor: Dr. Randall Kolka - USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station.

Master Geographic Information Systems and Sciences - Salzburg University.

Research Project: "Application of the Cybernetic Hydrologic Balance Model to basins in California - USA."

Supervisor: Dr. Victor Ponce - San Diego States University - Visualab at Civil Engineering Department.

Diploma in GIS-ESRI - ArcMap application - San Antonio Catholic University

Research Project: "Web Application Design to Conserve fresh water Springs in Chambo Basin to improve water management in Highland agro ecosystems."

Agricultural Engineer - Polytechnic University of Chimborazo (ESPOCH)Ecuador

Research project: " Productive eco-social alternatives for the sustainable management of the Chimborazo River basin."

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Research and Work Experience

Research Assistance - Lakehead University

  • Provided teaching support to Photogrametry, GIS in Management Planning and Remote sensing courses with specific attention to imagery, technology and ecological land classification uses for the Ontario Forest Resources Inventory (FRI).

Research scholar - Cornell University

  • Conducted soil health laboratory analysis on physical and biological soil indicators using the Comprenhensive Assessment of Soil Health Framework.

  • Applied soil laboratory quality techniques and quarantine protocols to provide reliable results and safety measurements to conduct analysis of soil health.

Doctoral Fellow scholar - Canadian Agriculture Policy Institute

  • Conducted an study about Soil Health Soil Security: Regional, National and International Dimensions.

  • Conducted an study about The contribution of Wetlands Towards Sustainable Agriculture in Canada.

Research Scholar - San Diego States University

  • Conducted hydrological model balance using Visualab online calculators and Geomatic techniques.

  • Produced visual-educational material to communicate plain science to general audience.

  • Created HTML, online documents to build websites.

Research Assistance - Millar Western Forest Company

  • Applied Geographic Information system and LIDAR technology to develop a Hydrological model.

  • Created a new hydrological model to identify water runoff to Millar Western Forest Operation

Research Analysis/Project Manager - Irrigation Research Center-Ecuador

  • Studied Crop Coefficients of seven andean crops to improve water management in Andean ecosystems.

  • Taught Irrigation Fundamentals and Irrigation Design courses at the Natural Resources Faculty- ESPOCH.

  • Developed laboratory manuals about Irrigation principals to use in a wide range of experimental hydraulic equipments.

  • Designed Irrigation Systems for Indigenous Farmers in Highland areas in Chimborazo- Ecuador.

  • Trained farmers in alternative irrigation methods for Water Management and Conservation Planning.

  • Created clear and concise documentation for irrigation operating procedures.

  • Showed self-discipline and independence by managing an Irrigation Laboratory and working with partner institutions to drive projects forward.

Sustainable Rural Development Coordinator - Provincial Association of Rural Governments of Chimborazo, Ecuador

  • Created Soil and water productive Agricultural Planning Programmes.

  • Created and Implemented Training Programs for Professional Development of county members and technicians.

  • Coordinated 35 technicians across a wide range of disciplines to develop sustainable farm plans for county Governments.

  • Build and Designed Geodatabase for rural planning in county Governments using GIS, Remote sensing, and GPS technology.

Project Coordinator - ESPOCH, Project Commission Office

  • Created commuity-based planning and development projects and iniciatives.

  • Designed, monitored and evaluated projects for ESPOCH using Logical Framework methodology.

  • Established new methodologies for rural planning and land use to be used for 45 county governments.

  • Designed and constructed sustainable projects for indigenous farms communities.

  • Designed and constructed the Eco-social project with Madrid municipality aid.

  • Trained farmer’s groups in sustainable and green production, and alternative irrigation methods.

  • Prepared clear, professional reports summarized key research findings

Food and Agricultural Organization - Project Junior.

  • Designed support Project for Poverty Alleviation and Combating Desertification through Collaborative Watershed Management in the Membrillo Micro-watershed.

  • Analized geospatial data and metadata to support the development of Watershed Management programs in the Membrillo Micro-watershed.

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries - Planning Technician

  • Developed the Quinoa Production Chain Project for indigenous farm communities in Chimborazo, Tungurahua, and Cotopaxi provinces- Ecuador.

  • Conducted feasibility studies of the Quinoa project for international market.

Ilapo Parish Government, Chimborazo-Ecuador - Consultance.

  • Designed water, soil conservation project to maintain water sources in the Machay and Chinipamba highland Ilapo-Chimborazo.

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  • Mattawa First Nations Management and Four Rivers Environmental Group Matawa Community Garden for Food Security in Northwestern Ontario First Nation Community Garden

  • Thunder Bay Shelter House – Thunder Bay Community Services

  • Participatory development planning based on the scarcest resource: Water. Action Aid Foundation.

  • Water and Management of Highland ecosystems. Development Association of the Sultana de Los Andes Area."

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Skills and Atributes

Excellent verbal, written, scientific communication and engagement.

  • Experience with scientific outreach, including giving scientific presentations to a wide range of audiences, from scientists to general public.

  • Communicated scientific concepts clearly understanding stakeholders interest.

  • Engaged with communities to achive desire goals.

Strong aptitude for leadership and management.

  • Supervised and aided junior members.

  • Engaged in an interdisciplinary research collaboration and relationship building skills.

  • Communicate effectively and listening skills .

  • Strategic thinking, decision making and system thinking approach.

Technical skills

  • Modeled crop coefficient using CropWat.

  • Developed WebApps using Web tools (ArcGIS).

  • Statistical, Geomatic sofwares: R, SPSS, Jasp; ArcMap, ArcCatalog, GEE. Office packages, Word, Excel, Powerpoint. Qualitative Data Analysis, NVivo.

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        [TOP]                  [Education]                  [Work Experience]                  [Volunteering]                  [Skills and Atributes]                   [Publications]            [Awards and Honours]

Awards and Honours

  • Lakehead Agricultural Research Station - Lakehead University (2021)

  • Mitacs Research Abroad Globalink- Graduate studies (2019)

  • Lakehead Agricultural Research Station - Lakehead University (2019-2020)

  • Canadian Agricultural Policy Institute. Water and agriculture Project awards (2018-2019)

  • Queen Elizabeth Scholarship for Advanced Scholars in Canadian Universities (2017-2021)

  • Postgraduate Research Award from Ecuadorian Governments (2014-2016)

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