[Indexed Do Statement]   [Do While Statement]   [Example Program]   [Summary]   [Problems]     


In Chapter 4, we learned how to use the GO TO and CONTINUE statements to set up a basic loop to execute a block as many times as needed (see Section 4.4). In this chapter, we learn how to set up an improved loop construct using the DO and DO WHILE statements. Once the DO and DO WHILE constructs are mastered, there is no need to rely on the GO TO statement to set up a loop. 

Together with the block IF construct (Section 4.2), DO loops and the related block DO constructs are the work horses of the Fortran language. A DO loop entails the repeated execution of a block encompassed within a corre sponding pair of DO and END DO statements. A block DO construct consists of (1) a DO statement, (2) a block, and (3) an END DO statement, in that order. Alternatively, a CONTINUE statement may be substituted for the END DO statement. 

A DO loop is controlled by its DO statement, which can be (1) indexed or (2) conditional. The indexed (DO) loop is fixed from the start to execute the block a specified number of times, unless it is interrupted by the transfer of control to a statement located outside of the loop. The conditional (DO WHILE) loop can executed zero or more times, depending upon the satisfaction of the logical expression included in the DO WHILE statement.


[Do While Statement]   [Example Program]   [Summary]   [Problems]      [Top]  

The indexed DO statement executes the block that immediately follows it, repeatedly, for a specified number of times. It has the form: 

DO label, variable = e1, e2, e3 

in which

  • label is the numeric statement label associated with the corresponding END DO or CONTINUE statements, which must follow the DO statement in the same program unit.
  • variable is the control variable, of integer or real type. 
  • e1, e2, and e3 are the initial, terminal, and increment parameters, respectively. These can be integer or real constants or expressions.

    The following are guidelines regarding the indexed DO statement: 

  • The label is required when the corresponding END DO statement is labeled. In this case, both labels should be the same. The label is not required when the corresponding END DO statement is not labeled. 
  • The label is required when a CONTINUE statement is used instead of the END DO statement. In this case, both labels should be the same.
  • The comma immediately following the label is optional. 
  • The control variable variable and the initial and terminal parameters e1 and e2, respectively, are required. 
  • The increment parameter e3 is optional. A value e3 = 1 is assumed if e3 (and the comma immediately preceding it) is omitted. 
  • The increment parameter e3 can be positive or negative, but it cannot be zero. If e3 is positive, e1 will be incremented to e2; therefore, e2e1. If e3 is negative, e1 will be decremented to e2; therefore, e1e2

Examples of the indexed DO statement follow: 

DO 10 J= 1,11,2 

DO J= 1,11,2 

DO 30 J= 1,13,3 

DO 40 J= 1,11

DO 50 J= 11,1,-2 

The block DO construct executes the block encompassed between a corresponding pair of DO and END DO statements. If the DO statement has a label, the corre sponding END DO is that which follows the DO and has the same label. Moreover, if the DO has no label, the corresponding END DO is the first END DO that follows the DO. The CONTINUE statement can be used instead of the END DO statement. However, while the END DO statement may or may not have a label, the CONTINUE statement must have a label. In the following examples, the symbol ... stands for a block, i.e., a sequence of executable statements that is treated as a unit.

 Example 1: Block Do Construct With END DO 

      DO J= 1,11

      ... ! Block 

      END DO 

Example 2: Block Do Construct With CONTINUE 

      DO 10 J = 1,11 

      ... ! Block 


DO Iteration Control 

The indexed DO statement

DO label, variable = e1, e2, e3 

performs a number of passes through the loop (iterations). The control of the number of iterations is as follows: 

  1. In the event that e1, e2, and e3 are expressions, they are evaluated first. 
  2. If the data type of e1, e2, and e3 is not the same as that of variable, they are converted to the data type of variable before being used. 
  3. The number of executions of the DO loop, i.e., the starting value of the iteration count, is calculated as n = (e2 - e1 + e3) / e3 
  4. The value of n is usually positive. If n is zero or negative, the block DO construct is bypassed, and control transfers to the statement immediately following the END DO (or CONTINUE) statement. 
  5. The value of e1 is assigned to variable, and a first pass through the loop is completed.
  6. At the end of each pass, the following steps are completed: 

a.The value of e3 is algebraically added to variable. 

b.The iteration count n is decreased by 1. 

c.If n is greater than 0, control transfers to the top of the loop, ready for another pass.

d.If n = 0, execution of the DO loop is finished and control transfers to the statement immediately following the END DO (or CONTINUE) statement. 

e.The final value of variable is the last one calculated.

For example, the following DO statement

      DO 10, J= 1,11,2 

is the top of a loop which ends in the statement labeled 10. In this loop, the variable J is increased from 1 to 11 in increments of 2.

According to the iteration count formula, the loop will be executed n = (11 - 1 + 2) / 2 = 6 times. Note that this is also the initial value of the iteration count (n = 6). With J= 1, the first pass through the loop is completed. The value of J is incremented to J= 3; the iteration count is now n = 5, and the second pass is completed. The value of J is incremented to J= 5; the iteration count is now n = 4, and the third pass is completed. The value of J is incremented to J= 7; the iteration count is now n = 3, and the fourth pass is completed. The value of J is incremented to J= 9; the iteration count is now n = 2, and the fifth pass is completed. The value of J is incremented to J= 11; the iteration count is now n = 1, and the sixth pass is completed. The value of J is incremented to J= 13; the iteration count is now n = 0, and the execution of the loop is finished, with control transferring to the statement immediately following the END DO (or CONTINUE) statement. 

Example 1 

      DO 10 J= 1,11,2

      ... ! Block 

   10 END DO

This loop is executed 6 times, for values of J= 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.

Example 2 

      DO J= 1,11,3

      ... ! Block 

      END DO

This loop is executed 4 times, for values of J= 1, 4, 7, and 10. Note that the label has been omitted from both indexed DO and END DO statements.

Example 3 

      DO K= 1,20

      ... ! Block

      END DO 

This loop is executed 20 times, for values of the control variable K varying from 1 to 20, in increments of 1 (e3 = 1 is assumed). 

Example 4 

      DATA LB,LE,LI /15,1,-3/ 

      DO 20 L= LB,LE,LI

      ... ! Block 


This loop is executed 5 times, for values of the control variable L= 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3. 

Example 5 

      DATA XB,XE,XI /-2.5,3.5,0.5/ 

      DO 30 X= XB,XE,XI

      ... ! Block 


Values of the control variable real X vary from -2.5 to 3.5, in increments of 0.5. (-2.5, -2.0, -1.5, ... 3.5). This loop is executed 13 times {[3.5 - (-2.5)] / 0.5 + 1 = 13}.

The CONTINUE statement is used to end the loop. The label 30 is required. Due to roundoff errors, the number of passes through a loop in which the control variable is of real type may not be precisely determined in all cases.

Transfer of Control in Block DO Constructs

Often there is a need to transfer control within and between Block DO constructs. For example, if a condition met during the loop processing makes it necessary to exit the loop prematurely:

  • Control can be transferred from a statement within a DO block to a statement within the same DO block, with no restrictions. 
  • Control can be transferred from a statement within a DO block to a statement outside of the DO block, provided the latter statement is not part of another DO block. 
  • Control can be transferred from a statement outside of a DO block to a statement inside the DO block, but only by formally entering and defining the loop through the DO statement. 

Example 1: Transfer of Control Within Block DO

      DO J= 1,11,2

      ... ! Partial block 

      IF(J.GE.7) GO TO 5

      ... ! Partial block


      END DO 

This loop is executed 6 times, for values of the control variable J= 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. For J ≥ 7, the second partial block is bypassed. 

Example 2: Transfer of Control Between Block DO and Outside Statement 

      DO J= 1,11,2

      ... ! Partial block 

      IF(J.EQ.7) GO TO 20

       ... ! Partial block 

      END DO


This loop is set to be executed 6 times, for values of J= 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. However, for J= 7, control passes to statement 20 and the loop is prematurely terminated, i.e., terminated before the iteration count n has had a chance to decrease to zero.

 Example 3: Invalid Block DO Transfer of Control 

      DO K= 1,20

      ... ! Partial block 


      ... ! Partial block 

      END DO 

      GO TO 5 

This loop is executed 20 times. Then, it is attempted to pass control to statement 5, located inside the block DO. This operation is invalid and will cause an error during program execution.

 Example 4: Valid Block DO Transfer of Control 

      N= 0 


      N = N + 1

      DO K= 1,20

      ... ! Block 

      END DO

      IF(N.LE.10) GO TO 5

The block inside the loop is executed 20 times. Then, provided N ≤ 10, control is transferred to statement 5 and the loop is restarted. The entire loop is executed 10 times. Each statement in the block is executed 20 × 10 = 200 times. 

Rules for Control Variable in Block DO Constructs 

The control variable in block DO contructs 

DO label, variable = e1, e2, e3 

is subject to specific rules. Variable cannot be redefined within a DO block, that is, it cannot appear on the left side of an assignment statement. However, variable can be referenced within a DO block, that is, it can appear on the right side of an assignment statement. Note that the final value of the control variable is the last one calculated right before the loop termination.

 Example 1: Referencing a Control Variable 

      DO J= 1,11,2

      ... ! Partial block 

      K= J + 1

      ... ! Partial block 

      END DO 

This loop is executed 6 times, for values of the control variable J= 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. The control variable J is referenced within the DO block. The integer K is assigned a value of J+1 prior to the execution of the second partial block. 

Example 2: Redefining a Control Variable 

      DO J= 1,11,2

      ... ! Partial block 

      J= J + 1

      ... ! Partial block 

      END DO

The control variable J is redefined within the DO block (J = J+1). This operation is invalid and will cause an error during execution. 

Example 3: Final Value of a Control Variable 

      DO J= 1,11,2

      ... ! Partial block

      IF(J.EQ.7) THEN

      ... ! Partial block 


      END DO 

For J= 13, the iteration count n = 0, and the loop is terminated. Therefore, the final value of the control variable is J= 13. The last value of the control variable for which a pass through the loop was executed is J= 13 - 2 = 11. 

DO Loops and Fortran 90 

A block DO construct, as described in this chapter, ends with either an END DO or CONTINUE statement only. A nonblock DO construct ends with any executable state ment, excluding GO TO, IF, END, RETURN, or another DO. 

A nonblock DO construct is allowed in Fortran 77; however, Fortran 90 has categorized the nonblock DO construct as obsolescent. Fortran 90 has also declared the use of real variables to specify control variable, initial, terminal, and increment parameters of an indexed DO statement as obsolescent. Users should avoid these features in new programming applications. 

Nested DO Loops 

If is often necessary to place one or more DO loops inside of another DO loop. This is referred to as "nesting" DO loops. When two DO loops are nested, the outer loop is referred to as the nesting loop and the inner loop is the nested loop. The nested loop should be completely contained within the nesting loop.

Nested and nesting DO loops cannot share the same unlabeled END DO statement. However, they can share the same labeled END DO or CONTINUE statement. Moreover, if two or more nested DO loops share the same labeled END DO or CONTINUE statement, control can be transferred to that statement only from within the inner most DO block. 

Example 1: Labeled END DO Statements 


      DO 30 J= 1,4

      ... ! Block A 

        DO 20 K= 1,3

        ... ! Block B

          DO 10 L= 1,2

          ... ! Block C 

   10     END DO 

   20   END DO 

   30 END DO 

In this example, block A is executed 4 times; block B 3 × 4 = 12 times; and block C 2 × 3 × 4 = 24 times. (The inner loop spins fastest; the middle loop spins slower; the outer loop spins slowest; see Table 7.1). 

Example 2: Unlabeled END DO Statements 


      DO J= 1,5 

      ... ! Block A

        DO K= 1,4 

        ... ! Block B

          DO L= 1,3 

          ... ! Block C 

          END DO 

        END DO 

      END DO 

Block A is executed 5 times; block B is executed 4 × 5 = 20 times; and block C is executed 3 × 4 × 5 = 60 times. Note that for each of 5 values of J, there is 4 values of K; and for each value of K, there is 3 values of L. Also, note that each loop has its own unlabeled END DO statement. 

Example 3: Sharing of Labeled END DO Statement 


      DO 30 J= 1,5 

      ... ! Block A

        DO K= 1,4 

        ... ! Block B

          DO L= 1,3 

          ... ! Block C 

   30 END DO 

Block A is executed 5 times; block B is executed 4 × 5 = 20 times; and block C is executed 3 × 4 × 5 = 60 times. All three loops share the same labeled END DO statement. 

Example 4: Labeled CONTINUE Statements 


      DO 60 J= 1,6 

      ... ! Block A 

        DO 50 K= 1,4

        ... ! Block B 

          DO 40 L= 1,2 

          ... ! Block C 




Block A is executed 6 times; block B is executed 4 × 6 = 24 times; and block C is executed 2 × 4 × 6 = 48 times. The CONTINUE statement has been used instead of the END DO statement. 

Example 5: Shared CONTINUE Statement 


      DO 60 J= 1,6 

      ... ! Block A 

        DO 60 K= 1,4

        ... ! Block B 

          DO 60 L= 1,2 

          ... ! Block C 


Block A is executed 6 times; block B is executed 4 × 6 = 24 times; and block C is executed 2 × 4 × 6 = 48 times.

Example 6: Shared Labelled END DO Statement 


      DO 70 J= 1,10

        DO 70 K= 1,15 

          DO 70 L= 1,5

          ... ! Block

   70 END DO 

Block is executed 5 × 15 × 10 = 750 times.

Example 7: Invalid Loop Nesting 


      DO 90 J= 1,7

        DO 80 K= 1,5 

          DO 70 L= 1,2

          ... ! Block A 


        ... ! Block B 


      ... ! Block C 


In this example, the DO loops are nested incorrectly because they overlap each other. This construct will cause an error during execution. 

Example 8: Valid Loop Nesting


      DO 90 J= 1,7

        DO 80 K= 1,5 

          DO 70 L= 1,2

          ... ! Block A 

   70     CONTINUE

        ... ! Block B 

   80   CONTINUE

      ... ! Block C 


This is the same as Example 7, but the labels have been corrected so that the loops do not overlap.

Example 9: Optional Trailing Comments 


      DO J= 1,5 !300

      ... ! Block A 

      DO K= 1,4 !200

      ... ! Block B

      DO L= 1,3 !100

      ... ! Block C 

      END DO !100

      END DO !200 

      END DO !300

This is the same as Example 2, but with the addition of trailing comments to help identify the respective nested DO loops. This improves the readability of the program.

      Table 7.1 shows the variation pattern of the control variables J, K, and L for Example 1 above. The innermost variable, L, is executed completely (2 times) before K, the middle variable, is incremented by 1. In turn, K is executed completely (3 times) before J is incremented by 1. Thus, the outer loop is executed 4 times; the middle loop is executed 3 × 4 = 12 times, and the inner loop is executed N = 2 × 3 × 4 = 24 times. 

When N isJ isK isand L is


[Example Program]   [Summary]   [Problems]      [Top]   [Indexed Do Statement]  

In many cases, it is convenient to combine the features of the block DO and block IF constructs into one construct featuring the best of both. The DO WHILE statement is a conditional loop construct that performs this function. 

The block DO WHILE construct conditionally executes a block as many times as necessary, as long as the tested logical expression included in the DO WHILE statement continues to be satisfied at every iteration of the loop. 

The DO WHILE statement has the form: 

DO label WHILE (logexp)

in which

  • label is the numeric statement label of a corresponding END DO or CONTINUE statement which must follow the DO WHILE statement in the same program unit.
  • logexp is a valid logical expression which is tested at each pass through the loop.

For instance,

      DO 10 WHILE (A.LT.3.) 

The block DO WHILE construct executes the block encompassed between a corresponding pair of DO WHILE and END DO statements, determined in the same way as the DO-END DO pair (see Section 7.1). Furthermore, the DO WHILE-END DO pair is subject to the same labeling rules as the DO-END DO pair. 

For the DO WHILE loop to properly terminate, at least one of the values in the logical expression logexp must change with each pass through the loop. The change must be such that eventually the logical expression is no longer satisfied (no longer true), at which point the DO WHILE loop is logically terminated. In other words, the directive "DO THAT WHILE THIS IS TRUE" comes to an end.

If this is not the case, the total number of iterations is not logically limited, and the loop continues to execute in definitely. This infinite loop condition should be avoided because it ties up the processor and leads to unnecessary delays.

Example 1: Labeled Block DO WHILE Construct


      DATA A /1./

      ... ! Block 

      DO 10 WHILE (A.LE.5.) 

      WRITE(6,*)'THE VALUE OF A IS= ',A 

      ... ! Partial block 

      A = A + 1. 

   10 END DO 

This loop is executed 5 times, with A being incremented by 1. at every iteration of the loop. The loop comes to an end when A is greater than 5. 

Example 2: Block DO WHILE with Continue Statement 


      DATA A /1./

      ... ! Block 

      DO 10 WHILE (A.LE.5.) 

      WRITE(6,*)'THE VALUE OF A IS= ',A 

      ... ! Partial block 

      A = A + 1. 


This is the same as Example 1, but the CONTINUE statement is used in place of the END DO statement.

 Example 3: Block DO WHILE with Unlabeled END DO


      DATA B /100./ 

      DO WHILE (B.GE.5.) 

      WRITE(6,*)'THE VALUE OF B IS= ',B

      ... ! Partial block

      B = B - 10. 

      END DO 

This loop is executed 10 times, with B being decremented by 10. at every iteration of the loop. The loop finishes when B is less than 5. 

Example 4: Invalid DO WHILE Loop (Infinite Loop) 


      DATA B /5./ 

      DO WHILE (B.GE.0.) 

      WRITE(6,*)'THE VALUE OF B IS= ',B 

      B = B + 1. 

      END DO

This loop continues to execute while B ≥ 0. The loop is set up in such a way that this condition is always satisfied. The initial value of B is 5., and B continues to increase with every iteration of the loop. Therefore, there is no way to logically terminate the loop. This construct will not produce an error upon execution, but will tie up the processor in an infinite loop. To stop an infinite loop, it is necessary to abort processing with a processor-dependent command such as Control/Y or similar. 

Nested DO WHILE Loops 

Just as with DO loops (Section 7.1), it is often necessary to place one or more DO WHILE loops inside of another DO WHILE loop. This is referred to as "nesting" DO WHILE loops. As stated previously, the nested loop should be completely contained within the nesting loop.

The following rules apply to nested DO WHILE loops:

  • Nested and nesting DO WHILE loops cannot share the same unlabeled END DO statement. 
  • Nested and nesting DO WHILE loops can share the same labeled END DO (or CONTINUE) statement.
  • If two or more nested DO WHILE loops share the same labeled END DO (or CONTINUE) statement, control can be transferred to that statement only from within the innermost DO WHILE block. 

Example 1: Labeled Nested DO WHILE Statements


      DO 20 WHILE (A.GE.0.)

      ... ! Block 1 

      A= A - 0.5 

        DO 10 WHILE (B.GE.5.)

        ... ! Block 2

        B= B - 1.5 

   10   END DO 

   20 END DO 

Block 1 is executed if A ≥ 0. If block 1 is executed, block 2 is also executed, provided B ≥ 5. Both A and B need to decrease at every iteration of the loop if the nested DO WHILE construct is to eventually terminate. 

Example 2: Sharing of Labeled END DO in Nested DO WHILE Statements


      DO 20 WHILE (A.GE.0.)

      ... ! Block 1 

      A= A - 0.5

        DO 20 WHILE (B.GE.5.)

        ... ! Block 2 

        B= B - 1.5 

   20 END DO

This is the same as Example 1, but nested and nesting DO WHILE loops share the same labeled END DO statement. 

Example 3: Sharing of Labeled CONTINUE in Nested DO WHILE Statements 


      DO 20 WHILE (A.GE.0.)

      ... ! Block 1 

      A= A - 0.5

        DO 20 WHILE (B.GE.5.)

        ... ! Block 2 

        B= B - 1.5 


This is the same as Example 2, but the CONTINUE statement is used in place of the END DO statement. 

Example 4: Three Nested DO WHILE Loops 


      DO WHILE (A.GE.0.)

      ... ! Block 1 

        DO WHILE (B.GE.5.)

        ... ! Block 2

          DO WHILE (C.GE.10.)

          ... ! Block 3 

          END DO

        END DO

      END DO 

This is an example of three nested DO WHILE loops. Block 1 is executed if A ≥ 0. If block 1 is executed, block 2 is also executed provided B ≥ 5. If block 2 is executed, block 3 is also executed provided C ≥ 10. Again, a provision needs to be made for all three variables, A, B, and C, to decrease at every iteration of the loop if the nested DO WHILE construct is to eventually terminate.

 Example 5: Three Nested DO WHILE Loops with Optional Trailing Comments


      DO WHILE (A.GE.0.) !300

      ... ! Block 1

      DO WHILE (B.GE.5.) !200

      ... ! Block 2 

      DO WHILE (C.GE.10.) !100

      ... ! Block 3 

      END DO !100 

      END DO !200

      END DO !300 

This is the same as Example 4, but with the addition of trailing comments to properly identify the respective nested DO WHILE loops. Like indenting, trailing comments improve the readability of the program. 

Things to keep in mind with regards to DO and DO WHILE loops:

  • You should aways prefer a DO loop over the IF-GO TO loop. A Do loop is faster in processing time and easier to set up.

  • Consider using a DO WHILE loop instead of an equivalent DO loop-block IF combination.

  • Remember to always set up a DO WHILE loop properly, so that an infinite loop id avoided.


[Summary]   [Problems]      [Top]   [Indexed Do Statement]   [Do While Statement]  

Example Program 1: Table of Trigonometric Functions Using a DO Loop 

Compare this program with Example Program 1 of Section 6.4. This program uses a DO loop instead of an IF-GO TO loop. 






      DATA PI /3.1415926/ 



     2/' ANGLE', ' SINE',' COSINE',' TANGENT', 


      DATA LINE /'-------------------'/ 





      DO 10 IANGLE= 0,90,5 

      X= FLOAT(IANGLE)*PI/180. 

      SINX= SIN(X)

      COSX= COS(X)


      TANX= TAN(X) 

      SECX= 1/COSX 



      TANX= TAN(X)

      COTX= 1/TANX

      SECX= 1/COSX 

      CSCX= 1/SINX



      COTX= 1/TANX 

      CSCX= 1/SINX




   10 END DO

  100 FORMAT(1X,A,1X,6A)

  200 FORMAT(1X,I5,3X,3F11.6,A,F11.6,A)

  300 FORMAT(1X,I5,3X,6F11.6) 

  400 FORMAT(1X,I5,3X,2F11.6,A,F11.6,A,F11.6)

  500 FORMAT(1X,4A) 


Example Program 2: Tic-Tac-Toe Board Using DO Loop and Block IF 

The following program writes the tic-tac-toe board of Example 2, Section 5.5, directly to the screen, using a DO loop and block IF combination. 


      DATA X,O /'X','O'/
      DO 10 N= 1,6
      WRITE(6,200) X,X
      IF (MOD(N,6).EQ.0) THEN
      ELSE IF(MOD(N,2).EQ.0.OR.MOD(N,4).EQ.0)THEN
      WRITE(6,100) X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X
      WRITE(6,200) O,O
      END IF
   10 END DO 
  100 FORMAT(1X,17A)
  200 FORMAT(6X,A,5X,A)

Included features of this program are: 

  • The DO loop is executed 6 times, each time but the last writing two lines, with N varying from 1 to 6. 
  • Inside the DO loop, the line

         X     X

    is written for all N. 

  • The intrinsic MOD function (Section 5.4) is used to set up the block IF. 
  • Inside the block IF, if N is multiple of 6, execution stops. 
  • Inside the block IF, if N is multiple of 2 or 4, the line


    is written. 

  • Inside the block IF, if N is odd, the line

         O     O

    is written. 

Example Program 3: Tic-Tac-Toe Board Using DO WHILE Loop and Nested Block IF 

The following program also writes the tic-tac-toe board of Example Program 2, Section 5.5, directly to the screen. This program differs from the previous program in that it uses a DO WHILE loop and nested block IF combination. 



      DATA X,O,L /'X','O',1/ 

      DO WHILE (L.LE.11) !130 

      IF(MOD(L,2).EQ.0) THEN !120 

      IF(MOD(L,4).EQ.0) THEN !110 

      WRITE(6,100) X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X

      ELSE !111

      WRITE(6,200) O,O 

      END IF !112 

      ELSE !121 

      WRITE(6,200) X,X

      END IF !122

      L= L+1 

      END DO !131 

  100 FORMAT(1X,17A) 

  200 FORMAT(6X,A,5X,A) 


Included features of this program are: 

  • The counter L is initialized with the value 1.
  • The DO WHILE loop is executed 11 times, with L varying from 1 to 11, each time writing one (1) line. 
  • The intrinsic MOD function (Section 5.4) is used to set up the nested block IFs. 
  • Inside the nesting (outer) block IF, if L is odd, the line
         X     X
    is written; if L is even, the nested (inner) block IF is executed. 
  • Inside the nested (inner) block IF, if L is a multiple of 4, the line
    is written; if L is not a multiple of 4, the line
         O     O
    is written. 


[Problems]      [Top]   [Indexed Do Statement]   [Do While Statement]   [Example Programs]  

  • This chapter describes indexed DO loops and conditional DO WHILE loops. 
  • The indexed DO loop executes the block that immediately follows it, up and including the next END DO statement, repeatedly, for a specified number of times. 
  • The transfer of control in block DO constructs is subject to the following rules:
    • Transfer within a block is allowed. 

    • Transfer from inside a block to a statement outside the block is allowed, provided the transfer destination is not part of another DO loop.

    • Transfer from a statement outside a block to a statement inside the block is allowed, provided the DO loop is formally entered through the top. 

  • The control variable of a DO loop can be referenced in side the loop, but it cannot be redefined. 
  • The labeled CONTINUE statement can be used as the last statement of a loop, instead of the unlabeled END DO statement.
  • A block DO construct ends with either an END DO or CONTINUE statement. No other statement should be used to end a DO construct. 
  • The block DO WHILE construct conditionally executes a block as many times as necessary, provided the logical expression controlling the DO WHILE statement continues to be satisfied at each pass through the loop.
  • Two or more DO and/or DO WHILE loops can be nested, provided the nesting rules are followed. 
  • An infinite loop should be avoided becauses it ties up the processor and leads to unnecessary delays.


   [Top]   [Indexed Do Statement]   [Do While Statement]   [Example Programs]   [Summary]  

  1. Solve Problem 4.5 (water utility billing) using an indexed DO loop and formatted input/output. 
  2. Solve Problem 4.10 (electric utility billing) using an indexed DO loop and formatted input/output.. 
  3. Solve Problem 5.3 (factorial) using a DO WHILE loop.
  4. Solve Problem 5.10 (first positive root of cubic equation) using a DO WHILE loop. 
  5. Solve Problem 5.12 (first positive root of cubic equation using Newton approximation) using two nested DO WHILE loops. 
  6. Solve Problem 5.14 (U.S. flag) using two indexed DO loops. 
  7. Write a program to do Example 2 of Section 6.4 (printing character constants with variable formats) using an indexed DO loop. 
  8. Solve Problem 6.7 using an indexed DO loop.
  9. Solve Problem 6.8 using a DO WHILE loop. 
  10. Solve Problem 6.11 (radian-to-degree conversion table) using an indexed DO loop.
  11. Solve Problem 6.12 (printing character constants with variable formats) using a DO WHILE loop. 
  12. After n years, the accumulated value A of an annual deposit P (at the end of each year) at interest rate r (in decimals, compounded annually), is:

    A = P { [ (1 + r )n -1 ]/r }.

    Write a program that uses an indexed DO loop to calculate and print a table of annuity factors A/P, for values of r in the range 5-10% (at 1% increments), and n in the range 1-30 years (at 1-year increments). Use 7 significant digits. 

    n \ r (%)      5          6         7          8          9          10 




  13. Modify Example Program 1, Section 7.3 (Table of trigonometric func tions) to use a one-degree interval and a DO WHILE loop. 
  14. Solve Problem 6.13 (diamond pattern) using an indexed DO loop.
  15. Solve Problem 6.14 (XYZ characters) using a DO WHILE loop. 
  16. Write a program that uses a DO loop to print the following design: 


    X         X

    X         X

    X         X

    X         X

    X         X

    X         X

    X         X

    X         X

    X         X


  17. Write a program to print the following numeric pattern using an indexed DO loop and variable formats. 










  18. Write a program that uses an indexed DO loop and variable formats to print the following design (hour glass): 


    X|       |X

    X |     | X 

    X  |   |  X

    X   | |   X 

    X    |    X 

    X   | |   X 

    X  |   |  X

    X |     | X 

    X|       |X


  19. Write a program to read n grades, and to find and report the maximum, minimum, and average grade. Test your program with the following data set: 75, 87, 92, 99, 56, 89, 74, 92, 91, 86, 95. Read n interactively, and the grades from an input file.
    140617 16:30

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Open-channel hydraulics, Victor M. Ponce, San Diego State University, Copyright © 2014, All rights reserved.





Chapter 01

Chapter 02

Chapter 03

Chapter 04

Chapter 05

Chapter 06

Chapter 07

Chapter 08

Chapter 09

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Copyright © 2014 • Victor M. Ponce • All rights reserved.